DTL FontMaster
New in version 3.0.0
Revised versions of the enclosed Character Layout (.cha) files and OpenType Layout
features file.
-DTL BezierMaster:
a. Support for the latest build of the AFDKO version 2.5.
-DTL DataMaster:
a. Support for the latest build of the AFDKO version 2.5.
-DTL IkarusMaster:
a. Support for the latest build of the AFDKO version 2.5.
New in version 2.7.0
-DTL BezierMaster:
a. Support for the AFDKO version 2.0.
b. PostScript Type1, TTF, OpenType CFF and OpenType TTF fonts can be directly loaded into the background of the Character Edit Window.
-DTL DataMaster:
a. Support for the AFDKO version 2.0.
-DTL IkarusMaster:
a. Support for the AFDKO version 2.0.
b. PostScript Type1, TTF, OpenType CFF and OpenType TTF fonts can be directly loaded into the background of the Character Edit Window.
New in version 2.6.1
-DTL BezierMaster:
a. PostScript Type1 fonts containing more than 3000 glyphs are imported and converted correctly now.
b. Glyph names that exceed 31 characters are accepted now.
c. Fonts with a large number of inflection points are displayed correctly in the FontAdministration tool by the rasterizer now.
-DTL DataMaster:
a. PostScript Type1 fonts containing more than 3000 glyphs are imported and converted correctly now.
b. Glyph names that exceed 31 characters are accepted now.
-DTL IkarusMaster:
a. PostScript Type1 fonts containing more than 3000 glyphs are imported and converted correctly now.
b. Glyph names that exceed 31 characters are accepted now.
New in version 2.6.0
-DTL BezierMaster:
a. Some bugs concerning the display in the Character Edit Window have been removed.
New in version 2.5.4
-DTL BezierMaster:
a. TrueType production now allows the inclusion of glyphs with higher Unicodes, i.e. not in the BMP (larger than xFFFF).
b. A bug concerning the sample display of multiple fonts has been fixed.
-DTL DataMaster:
a. TrueType production now allows the inclusion of glyphs with higher Unicodes, i.e. not in the BMP (larger than xFFFF).
-DTL IkarusMaster:
a. TrueType production now allows the inclusion of glyphs with higher Unicodes, i.e. not in the BMP (larger than xFFFF).
b. A bug concerning the sample display of multiple fonts has been fixed.
New in version 2.5.2
-DTL BezierMaster:
a. A bug which lead to problems when generating fonts containing considerable wide glyphs has been fixed.
b. A bug that caused problems when generating fonts with more then 2000 glyphs has been fixed.
-DTL DataMaster:
a. Command file support for running program in full batch.
b. A bug that caused problems when generating fonts with more then 2000 glyphs has been fixed.
c. A bug which lead to problems when generating fonts containing considerable wide glyphs has been fixed.
-DTL IkarusMaster:
a. A bug which lead to problems when generating fonts containing considerable wide glyphs has been fixed.
b. A bug that caused problems when generating fonts with more then 2000 glyphs has been fixed.
New in version 2.5.1
-DTL BezierMaster:
a. Import (Data Management) in Batch menu (Font Administration): BE Files now visible on the Mac.
b. Background zoom: shift with arrow key functions properly now.
c. Metrics (Batch): Menus are larger now and identical to IkarusMaster.
d. Change Character Header: focus is now on left side bearing.
e. Replace Composites in Batch menu (Font Administration) has been changed in Replace Base Characters.
-DTL DataMaster:
a. Conversion (import) BE to IK now creates correct Ikarus format.
b. Baseline character (blue values) will be saved in PAR(2).
-DTL IkarusMaster:
a. Support for manual digitizing via Wacom lens cursor.
b. Replace Composite (in Batch ) has been changed in Replace Base Characters.
New in version 2.5.0
-DTL BezierMaster:
a. Direct import and export of PostScript Type 1, TrueType and OpenType formats.
b. The display of anchor and control points can be changed to small, medium and large.
c. New function 'Fit point to guideline'. This makes it possible to create, delete and shift guidelines, the latter using the pointer tool or arrow keys. The guidelines are automatically stored in the guideline array and can be edited numerically.
d. The background BE, IK or SC image can be moved using the arrow keys now.
e. The drawing functionality has been extensively enhanced. Especially the pointer tool can be used now in combination with range of keys to insert and convert points, to fit points to guidelines, to align points horizontally and vertically, to place bcp's on the control points, et cetera.
f. Batch functionality for the improver functions (i.e. for a complete glyph database at once).
g. In the Metrics Editor an AFM File can be generated if not existing and changes to an AFM File can be directly saved.
h. The interface has been improved and the menu structure changed; for instance the Config menu has been removed and the contained 'Settings' has been moved to 'Preferences...' in the File or Edit (depends on active window) menu.
i. Bug fix in 'Replace Composites' (concerning character width smaller than accent width).
j. Contouring: last menue entries are saved now.
k. 'New Character': default is 1 now, not 0 (which is actually not allowed).
l. New icons have been made for the program, functions and menus.
-DTL DataMaster:
a. Standard encoding for OpenType production.
b. Bug fix for PCWeight entry.
-DTL IkarusMaster:
a. Direct import and export of PostScript Type 1, TrueType and OpenType formats.
b. The display of anchor and control points can be changed to small, medium and large.
c. New function 'Fit point to guideline'. This makes it possible to create, delete and shift guidelines, the latter using the pointer tool or arrow keys. The guidelines are automatically stored in the guideline array and can be edited numerically.
d. The background BE, IK or SC image can be moved using the arrow keys now.
e. The drawing functionality has been extensively enhanced. Especially the pointer tool can be used now in combination with range of keys to insert and convert points, to fit points to guidelines, to align points horizontally and vertically, to place bcp's on the control points, et cetera.
f. Batch functionality for the improver functions (i.e. for a complete glyph database at once).
g. In the Metrics Editor an AFM File can be generated if not existing and changes to an AFM File can be directly saved.
h. The interface has been improved and the menu structure changed; for instance the Config menu has been removed and the contained 'Settings' has been moved to 'Preferences...' in the Edit menu.
i. Bug fix in 'Replace Composites' (concerning character width smaller than accent width).
j. Contouring: last menue entries are saved now.
k. 'New Character': default is 1 now, not 0 (which is actually not allowed).
l. New icons have been made for the program, functions and menus.
-DTL KernMaster:
a. Bug fix for Bezier format.
New in version 2.1.3a
-General: A small series of updates in the Character Layout files.
-DTL KernMaster:
A problem in the Bezier rendering algorithm that occasionally resulted in improper kerning values has been solved.
New in version 2.1.3
-General: The urwotf.cha file has been enhanced with a new range of URW numbers for (discretionary) ligatures, swashes and fractions. The FM feature file supports more GSUB features now.
-DTL BezierMaster and IkarusMaster:
a. A bug in the contouring and hidden line algorithms which leads to a crash has been fixed.
b. Rounding problems in the proof function of the complete font database have been fixed.
c. Numerical input in the Metrics Editor works completely correct now on the Mac.
d. The display area in the Metrics Editor has been enlarged (the EM is extended by 20%), so that glyphs are not cut off.
e. A bug in the Metrics Editor concerning the modified input string has been fixed.
-DTL DataMaster:
a. A problem in the OpenType conversion as a result of a serious bug in the MakeOTF.hotconv lib code of the Adobe FDK for OpenType has been fixed.
b. A bug concerning insufficient memory in the conversion from IK to Type 1 for very complex characters has been fixed.
New in version 2.1.2
-DTL BezierMaster:
a. Number of Digs for the conversion from Type 1 to BE has been increased.
b. Bug removed: Writing BE file.
-DTL Bezier- & IkarusMaster:
a. Problems with EPS Import/Export have been fixed.
-DTL DataMaster:
a. The embedding bit can now be set in the advanced section.
b. A range of additional name entries can be set in UFM File.
c. VendID is now correctly transferred to OTF.
d. There is a new sheet for key characters to control the BlueValues.
e. The conversion to PostScript Type 1 has been improved for characters with large number of points.
f. Cap Height and x-Height entries are no longer necessary in the Font Header (but still recommended).
New in version 2.1.1
A number of small bugs has been removed. The Character Layout files (.cha) have been cleaned and converted to Microsoft Excel for easier handling. The Excel files are included in the installer.
-DTL DataMaster:
a. The TrueType hinting has been improved.
New in version 2.00.009A
-DTL DataMaster:
a. Pathnames longer than 80 characters caused crashes in previous versions; the pathnames can contain up to 256 characters now.
b. Unexpected kern values in AFM and feature files could result in a crash of DataMaster; this problem has been solved.
- DTL KernMaster:
a. In version 2.00.009 the kerning output by KernMaster was always based on a 15.000 units em-square. The output is now in according to the actual em-square of the BE or IK database.
New in version 2.00.009
-DTL Bezier- & IkarusMaster:
a. A bug that made the Mac version crash when modifying the Character Header has been fixed.
b. A bug that prevented the storage of a copy of a database file into a selected folder has been fixed.
-DTL DataMaster:
a. The BlueValues are now based on key characters which are taken from the from the PostScript name entry of the Character Layout files, instead of fixed evaluation of the key characters from the URW numbers, which caused problems in case proprietary database systems were used.
- DTL KernMaster:
a. Multiple entries (same URW Number for different Postscript Names) in the Character Layout file are now correctly evaluated.
- DTL TraceMaster:
a. Slight improvement in the user interface.
b. Improved accuracy for the conversion to BE.
New in version 2.00.008
-DTL Bezier- & IkarusMaster:
a. A bug that made the Metrics Editor incorrectly read in the kerning pairs from an AFM file, has been removed.
b. The Replace Composites batch function is now included in BezierMaster.
c. A problem in BezierMaster with IK data in the background has been fixed.
d. In BezierMaster an improver bug for the 1000 units grid has been fixed.
e. In BezierMaster the Set Text function does work properly now.
f. Some problems with the short cuts in former versions have been solved.
g. A new function that checks the correct sequence of points for Bezier curves has been added.
-DTL ContourMaster:
a. A new function that checks the correct sequence of points for Bezier curves has been added.
-DTL DataMaster:
a. A problem that caused unpredictable crashes when generating fonts on the Mac has been solved.
b. Some parameter settings has been checked.
c. A problem on the Mac with AFM files that contains DOS line breaks has been solved.
-DTL TraceMaster:
a. A problem concerning the multiple access to TIFF files on the Mac has been fixed.
New in version 2.00.007
In version 2.00.007 of DTL FontMaster the stability of the modules has been improved even more. Also new functionality has been added.
-DTL Bezier- & IkarusMaster:
a. In the Font Administration the character numbers >32768 have been treated wrong. This bug has been fixed.
b. To improve the handling of different databases the following option in the Font Administration menu has been added: Copied characters with <ctrl> + C can be pasted to the same numbers in another font with <alt> + V without selecting the target range.
c. There is a new entry in the batch menu: Import (Data Management).
d. A bug in the text setting module has been fixed.
e. Set text has been included in the BezierMaster too (like in IkarusMaster).
f. IkarusMaster: EPS Export had a bug (display of colors) which his has been fixed.
g. Shift smooth can now also be done numerically.
h. A memory problem with the background display has been fixed.
i. New Shortcut: <ctrl> + K for the metrics editor.
j. Guidelines are now drawn on top of the character so that they are also visible inside the glyphs.
k. The side bearings can be modified now using the mouse. If the pointer tool (arrow) is selected and the LSB/RSB lines are displayed the lines can be grabbed and shifted to the required position.
l. The user interface for the batch function Replace Composites has been modified slightly.
-DTL KernMaster:
a. Some bugs have been removed.
-DTL TraceMaster:
a. The user interface has been modified.
b. Multiple selection of TIFF files is now possible.
New in version 2.00.003
For version 2 DTL FontMaster was partly rewritten, which resulted for instance in a completely new metrics editor, new batch functions, improved hinting parameters for PostScript Type 1 fonts and also an upgrade to OTF SDK version 1.6. The metrics editor in both Bezier- and IkarusMaster supports now the import and export of metrics-data, makes use of anti-aliasing for the display of the glyphs and has some nifty features like the possibility to lock the widths. The new batch functions include an option to replace the base character in all composites (which can be generated automatically using another batch function). Furthermore, the selected code pages in the Font Administration window can be printed directly now.
-DTL Bezier- & IkarusMaster:
a. A new batch function Replace Composite which can replace the base character in all composite characters (currently only available in the Windows version).
b. A 'clear all' button for the guidelines.
c. The selected codepage in the FontAdministration window can be printed by choosing 'Print' from the file menu or <ctrl> + P.
d. The right mouse button can be used in the FontAdministration window to cut and paste.
-DTL ContourMaster:
a. Improved functionality.
-DTL DataMaster:
a. Improvement in the hinting parameters for the PostScript Type1 format.
b. Upgrade to Adobe's OTF SDK Version 1.6.
-DTL TraceMaster:
a. Improved interface.
New in version 1.08.002
A lot of improvements have been made in version 1.08.002 of DTL FontMaster. New functionality has been added, the stability has been improved and the quality of the interface has been enhanced. An example of this is the use of anti-aliasing in the Font Administration tool. The actual generation of fonts has been made more simple in DTL DataMaster by adding a range of default settings. Besides this a new module has been added: DTL KernMaster, which makes it possible to generate kerning for a complete BE or IK database, including Cyrillic, Greek, Eastern-European, etc. at once.
-DTL Bezier- & IkarusMaster:
a. Anti-aliasing is now used in the Font Administration tool.
b. Improved batch functionality in the Font Administration tool:
- Metrics: change LSB/RSB only.
- Metrics: import from AFM, text file, other font.
- Metrics: export to text file, AFM.
- EPS output.
c. Export EPS in Character Edit Window.
d. Contouring: keep baseline.
-DTL BlendMaster:
a. Works also now for IK-format.
b. Button for opening a new window for a complete showing of the listing.
-DTL ContourMaster:
a. Improved functionality, error messages have been added.
b. Works also now for IK-format.
c. Button for opening a new window for a complete showing of the listing.
-DTL DataMaster:
a. Redesigned, more easy to handle interface.
b. A default button for the handling of the code pages and Character Layout files. The default setting is that the beeditor.cha is automatically used for generating PS Type1 and TrueType fonts and the urwotf.cha for the generation of OpenTypes. 'Off' makes it possible to use a proprietary Character Layout file.
c. Macintosh Font Export option to let the program automatically choose the platform based on the selected code page.
d. Button for opening a new window for a complete showing of the listing.
-DTL KernMaster
a. Automatic creation of kerning pairs for IK, BE format, output into AFM file.
b. Class kerning for IK and BE format, output into kern.fea file for OpenType production.
-DTL TraceMaster
a. EPS export optionally transparent.
New in version 1.06:
-DTL BezierMaster:
Extensive batch functionality added to the Font Administration tool, including metrics editing functions and the option to automatically merge composites for the generation of Central and Eastern European, Turkish, etcetera, character sets.
-DTL DataMaster:
Now uses the latest version of the Adobe SDK (1.5).
-DTL IkarusMaster:
Extensive batch functionality added to the Font Administration tool, including metrics editing functions and the option to automatically merge composites for the generation of Central and Eastern European, Turkish, etcetera, character sets.
-DTL TraceMaster:
First version of this auto tracing program.
DTL OTMaster
New in version 5.0.0:
- New Text Viewer, which includes Harfbuzz for the interpretation of OpenType Layout features.
- Display of all current color tables, such as CBDT, SVG, sbix and COLR, and glyphs.
- Updated Font Viewer, containing now a search field for glyphs, unicodes...
- Updated Side by Side Viewer, which contains among other new options, a 'Winding Fill' as opposed to the standard fill option.
- Updated Glyph Editor, with improved guideline and grid functionality, improved measurement options, new clipboard with support for multiple entries , et cetera.
- Bug fix for crash when opening certain CID-keyed fonts.
New in version 3.7.0:
- Import/export of Ideographic Variation Sequences (IVS).
- Extensively enhanced Glyph Editor.
- Switch for Subroutinization in CFF.
- Support OS/2 Table V5.
- Side-by-side viewer (for multiple fonts).
- Change table view with ( + ).
- Editing of Feature Parameters.
- Enhanced Consistency Checker.
- Export of IK/II/BE/IB formats (and export of all formats, i.e. plus UFM, CHA, FEA).
- Support for COLR+CPAL tables.
- Autohinter for edited or newly added glyphs.
New in version 2.4.0:
- Improved export of OpenType Layout features.
- 'post' table version can be changed now (2 <-> 3).
- 'gasp' table version can be changed now (0 <-> 1).
- New in the Consistency checker:
1. Enhanced 'Italic Angle' check in the 'Header' section.
2. 'Language support' checker, listing supporting and missing glyphs for a specific language.
New in version 2.3.0:
- Support for the display of cursive attachment (Arabic).
- Enhanced display of mark-to-base and mark-to-mark attachment points.
- Interactive editing of mark attachment points.
- Export of kerning-data as AFM file (only from 'kern' table).
- Two new options in the Consistency checker:
1. Unicode ranges,
2. Codepage ranges.
New in version 2.0.0:
- Support of the latest 'build' of the AFDKO version 2.5.
- Support for OT Specification V1.6.
- Support for Mark Filtering Sets.
- Support for cv00-cv99, ss01-ss20.
- Support for feature name tags.
- Two new options in the Consistency checker:
1. Version checker,
2. Glyf and Header entries checker.
- Glyph Copy Tool supports copying OTF(CFF) <-> TTF now.
- Cut/Copy/Paste between Bezier outlines (CFF) and quadratic splines (Glyf).
- EPS import & export
- SVG import & export
- Metrics editing and update (hmtx, vmtx) in the glyph editor.
- Autohinting (for single glyphs).
- Display of hints for CFF Fonts.
New in version 1.0.1:
- Support for the very latest AFDKO 2.5 version.
- Changed export of GDEF table to fit the modified way to create one with the latest AFDKO.
- Bug fix for crash during export of Character Layout files and OpenType Layout features files under Mac OS 10.4 and previous OS X versions.
New in version 1.0.0
- Integration of the Adobe SDK for font development version 2.5.
- Support for importing and exporting OpenType Layout feature files and Character
Layout files.
- The option to move through the tables using the arrow keys.
- Various changes in the graphical user interface.
- Special editions for PowerPC and Intel based Macs running Mac OS X.4 and
previous OS X versions and for Intel based Apple computers running Leopard.
DTL CompareMaster
New in version 2.0.0
- OpenType CFF format supported also now.
- Bug fix: In previous versions only hints up to the first hint replacement were
- In the log window the paths to the generated text and/or plot files are shown.
- New, stable Universal distribution.
New in version 1.3.0
- PostScript(tm) Type1 fonts containing more than 3000 glyphs are handled
correctly now.
- Glyph names that exceed 31 characters are accepted now.
- In the Windows(r) version the log window is now being updated after each 'write'
to it.
New in version 1.2.0
- Support for Mac OS PostScript Type1 fonts
- The radio button for 'single char' is automatically selected when single chars
are put in.
- When a selection in the 'single char' input files is followed by a return, the
comparison starts automatically.
- If not present, the suffix 'txt' is auto-appended for the log file name.
- A button for the summary listing has been added.
- Some changes to the GUI.
- Deletion of the 'lc_' prefix for plot files; only 'uc_' is used now (the Mac and
Windows files systems are case-insensitive, unlike for instance Unix).